When it comes to marketing you need to realize that marketing in itself is not advertising - why do you think you need money for marketing? You definitely need it for advertising but depending on your app and your users you might have a world of opportunity to reach more and get more from these downloads than you might realize.
My name is Humberto Valle, and I am strategic competitive marketer and have been helping startups grow from zero to millions of dollars for about 10 years now. I run a marketing agency and do consulting calls for fun.
If you want more direct clarity - send me a message and I will be of as much help as possible. I have been doing app marketing since when not many people even knew what an app was. All the apps I have worked with have reached Top 5 either overall or in their categories and sometimes I can tell right away if an app is going to ever work or not. Since we don't know much about your app and in which categories it is competing, I can't tell if 10K downloads is impressive or not. What I suggest is that you find a way to monetize your downloads, so you need to convert all those downloads into paying users.
Again, since we do not much about your app it is hard to even suggest if in-app-purchase is good for you or you need another monetization method.
I'll be happy to help. That's a long-winded way of saying your revenue should be greater than your costs. The problem is, the cost to acquire users has become prohibitively expensive in the last 2 years.
The cost to acquire users on Facebook has multiplied by x. So unless you're selling big ticket items, it doesn't make sense. If you're selling an app subscription or in-app purchases, you've pretty much got to go with organic growth. Without a decent amount of preparation and a solid plan your launch will end up looking like a skirmish of half completed ideas. Get the mundane bits and pieces out of the way first.
Here is a handful of items you need to complete before the real work start. For a complete checklist of everything you need to get done before you launch, click here. Use XYO. Any app with more than 1 million downloads is worthwhile adding to your list. The idea here is to disseminate where they got their traffic from and copy them. Use SimilarWeb to get a traffic source breakdown of any web app or mobile app, split between:.
From this you should be able to gauge where traffic is coming from on average and where to spend your time when launching your own application. The majority of traffic will come from external resources. Pick the top 2 and focus down so that you can be productive with your time. Search engine traffic will grow over time. Instead focus on building social media buzz and getting featured on relevant blogs.
That will actually help search engine traffic growth as well. This will guide you through the process of writing a compelling press release. Use it wisely — with great lists comes great responsibility. Filter the good from the bad by looking at:. This spreadsheet is worth its weight in gold if used right because it contains blogs that have a good chance of featuring you and driving much needed traffic.
Find your bloggers on Facebook and add your mutual friends to your blogger list. You can also use professional social networks like Linkedin. Work your way through your blogger list and connect with individuals using the following message:. Being part of this community means I can chat with my peers and get advice. So take the advice from people who paved the way and already had success in this space.
Users on this discussion board have helpful tips about getting downloads for new mobile apps. Consider joining this community as a helpful resource. You can also get some experts to critique your app. This goes back to what we discussed earlier about quality. Beta testing is a great way to accomplish this. Use different platforms to get a variety of testers to avoid bias. While testing is important, nothing is perfect. These discussions should not be made for public viewing.
So do whatever it takes to spread the word. You can still host an event by renting out space at a restaurant or other venue. Stay active on social media platforms Again, if your app is for an existing business, you probably have social profiles already set up.
Use those channels to inform your followers about the app. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube All of these are absolutely essential to help spread the word for your company. Look where YouTube ranks on this list. Video content is taking over the Internet.
So come up with video advertisements and demonstrations to promote your app. Publish the videos on YouTube and then distribute them on all of your social media channels. Both Facebook and Instagram also give you the opportunity to stream live videos.
This is a great way to keep your viewers engaged. Get them involved with the video session. Give them an actionable reason to go download your app. All of this is great PR for your brand helps spread the word about your app. They partnered with television personality, Ellen Degeneres. With exist of million apps in store, most of the user will look forward to download it for free.
So free download option will be first choice for any user. Your marketing can focus on creating curiosity and directing people to the site, where the app will be explained and showed off, followed by a link to the app store where it can be found. Speaking of search, an important aspect of the website will be Search Engine Optimization, so that you can generate organic traffic and ensure that users around the web can find your product.
SEO is a pretty technical task, involving things like server optimization, indexing, web page markup, keywords and more. Get on social media.