Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 14th Edition also known as Katzung Pharmacology PDF is the most up-to-date, high-yield and comprehensive text on pharmacology in the world. It is one of the most trusted and authoritative pharmacology books. With this book in your hand, you will be able to access syllabi and content which is unprecedented because of its quality. This book offers detailed coverage of all important concepts of pharmacology which the students need to master while in the medical school.
You will also learn the practical application of pharmacology in clinical settings. This sequence builds new information on a foundation of information already assimilated. For example, early presentation of autonomic nervous system pharmacology allows students to integrate the physiology and neuroscience they have learned elsewhere with the pharmacology they are learning and prepares them to understand the autonomic effects of other drugs.
This is especially important for the cardiovascular and central nervous system drug groups. However, chapters can be used equally well in courses and curricula that present these topics in a different sequence. Within each chapter, emphasis is placed on discussion of drug groups and prototypes rather than offering repetitive detail about individual drugs.
Selection of the subject matter and the order of its presentation are based on the accumulated experience of teaching this material to thousands of medical, pharmacy, dental, podiatry, nursing, and other health science students. Major features that make this book particularly useful in integrated curricula include sections that specifically address the clinical choice and use of drugs in patients and the monitoring of their effects—in other words, clinical pharmacology is an integral part of this text.
This book provides a succinct review of pharmacology with approximately one thousand sample examination questions and answers. It is especially helpful to students preparing for board-type examinations. The widespread adoption of the first thirteen editions indicates that this book fills an important need. Privacy Policy. Password recovery.
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Thanks for your cooperation. Katzung Pharmacology PDF or the Basic and Clinical Pharmacology offers comprehensive text to help you develop crystal clear concepts regarding the clinical use of drugs.
You will be able to access colorful illustrations depicting the mechanism of action of drugs and their adverse effects. Please enter your comment! You may send an email to medicoslibrary. Sign in. Forgot your password?